3/20-Class Episode IX: Premiere

This week in class was pretty fun. We got to play with Adobe Premiere and edit given video clips together, using different kinds of cuts, transitions, effects, etc. It was nothing crazy complex, which honestly, was much appreciated. After our initial tutorial into the program (I’ve only used it very few times) I can see how deep the editing process of a videos goes, there is a seemingly infinite amount of ways to edit. Granted, I’ve already known this but when you are actually working the editing program, whichever one it may be, there is a new found respect for it that arises. The class is now down to its final month and our group projects are moving. Very soon, you’ll be seeing mine surface on here! For now, I have this screenshot of my video editing process. Also, for those that are really quick editors and look for the best shortcuts on editing software, click here for a video. It shows you just that, along with keeping the quality of the video excellent! See ya next time!


Screen Shot 2017-03-20 at 8.29.13 PM Video via (Youtube, 2017)

Image via Me

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